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Should you run a plate carrier or LBV?

Writer: Jonathan FisherJonathan Fisher

Quick story time: 

Over the course 6 days, I was shot over 40 times with simunitions while training CQB. I decided to run the entire course in my LBV, with no plate carrier. 

Wanna know how many sim rounds would have been stopped by a plate?


Now, that is a sample size of one dude, over the course of only 6 days of shoothouse runs. But it illustrates a point.

Lets talk briefly about plate carriers and their use for prepared civilians.

First we need to define what scenario we are talking about, because for me the math changes based on the scenario, and one factor in particular:

Can you reasonably expect to be treated at a higher level of care?

If YES: plates make more sense

If NO: they make less sense.

My logic: 

-if you are shot, the chances of you being shot in your plate is small. 

-You will more likely be shot elsewhere, and in the plates, or just elsewhere. 

-If you can not expect to be treated at a hospital, you are probably going to die anyway, just slowly.

- In that case, I would rather take the round in the chest and die faster.

PC pros and cons

Plate Carriers provide additional protection at the cost of two major factors: weight, and heat retention. 

Weight can be very minimal or substantial based on your PC and plates. My SPC with ultralight 3A+ plates only weighs 6lbs, other setups weigh quadruple that. 

Heat retention is the real killer. No matter the setup, anyone who has done serious work in a PC knows how much heat retention can become an issue. It increases the amount of water you need to consume, and raises the likelihood of becoming a heat casualty.

What do you gain by just running a LBV?

- Flexibility. You can allocate more of your weight budget to increasing your capabilities, or keep the same capabilities, and just lower your weight load. 

- Better venting of heat

- ability to scape up or down based on threats and circumstances.

When would I still wear a PC, even if there is no expectation of medical care?

Defensive positions, where movement would be minimal and contact would be likely. Being stationary mitigates the downsides.

If I knew I was about to get into a gunfight. If you are making an offensive action towards an enemy, and movement to and from the objective is minimal, you could make a decision on whether or not to armor up.

Whats the solution then? 

Build a scalable kit. See this post for that info.


1 Comment

Feb 22

Great getting to know more about your work. I connected with your site after watching you on Dirty Civilian. Stay frosty and watch your clock.

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